Wednesday, December 23, 2020


We are living in a fast-paced digital world, things are getting more sophisticated faster and fraudsters are also getting sophisticated and a lot of digital users are not keeping up with the rate of advancement.  One of the major ways they steal personal data or deceive people to harvest their data is through fake emails.  

Unfortunately for a lot of us, we are now using handheld devices which makes it easier to do things online, in fact, a mobile phone is the only computer most people have access to, as a result of the 'limitation' of the mobile phones, a lot of people fall easily into a fake email scam. 

Look at the following images below, the one on the left is the computer interface of a fake email and the one on the right is the mobile phone interface of same fake email  

From the images, you can see that from the web version from a laptop or desktop, you can see immediately you open the email that the sender's email address is not from Paypal, (I have circled the sender's email) but from the image on the right, which is from a mobile phone, you can only see the sender's name but not their email address and this makes a lot of people who open their emails on their mobile device think the email is indeed from Paypal as that is what the sender's name will read.  

Check the sender's email address:  What you need to do first after opening any email that may ask you to log in via a link at any time from your mobile phone is to first click on the reply button, and then you can see whether the email address is from the original sender or a scam.  From the email below, you can see that the sender's email address isn't from Paypal in this case as it has got random letters and numbers.  This is not immediately evident without clicking the reply button So always hit the reply button from your mobile phones, but don't send!!!

Secondly, Always to open the app directly from a new browser and log in from there, NEVER click on the links sent in an email whether genuine or not, by doing this, you can prevent a sorry situation. NEVER USE THE LINKS INSIDE YOUR EMAIL UNLESS YOU ARE 100% SURE IT IS FROM THE ORIGINAL SOURCE!!!  Call your bank or provider from their apps if you have one or call directly by dialling them, don't redial a call you received, whether genuine or not so you are not caught off guard.  

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